In the fifth chapter of his book, Mark gives us an account of a day in the life of Jesus. Demon-possessed man healed Mark chapter 5 begins with the arrival of Jesus and His disciples to the region of the Gerasenes.
Healing of the leper: My favorite miracle
In Matthew 8:1-4 we are given the account of the healing of the leper by Jesus Christ. As a result of his devastating skin disease, the man was ostracized and deemed unclean and untouchable. The leprous man knelt before Jesus and said to Him “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” He did not question Jesus’ ability… Read More
Jesus turns water into wine: a miracle of provision
I had often wondered why Jesus bothered turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11). Surely, it was not a life or death situation. They definitely didn’t need wine for survival. Worst case scenario, the guests would have gone home grumpy and annoyed at the host for not meeting their expectations.
Jesus Is Calling ……… Will You Answer?
As I walked into the waiting area of the train station, I noticed a card with the face of Jesus, which someone had deliberately left on a window in a strategic position. The words on the card read, “He is calling. Will you answer?”