In preparing to celebrate Resurrection Sunday, I decided to dig into the Word with the intent to study and meditate on Scriptures focusing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On that note, this post addresses 2 key questions, What is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to live the resurrected life?
Reflecting on the Meaning of Immanuel: God with Us
To prepare my heart for Christmas this year, I decided to host a virtual Bible Study based on a devotional, which I highly recommend; “Unwrapping the Names of Jesus” by Asheritah Ciuciu. I spent three sessions, each lasting two hours, with a group of wonderful ladies as we studied the names of Jesus and focused our attention on Him… Read More
The Blood Of Jesus Speaks: Are You In Agreement?
The Blood Of Jesus Speaks “But you have come …….to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 12:22-24 NKJV In my last post, we discussed the power and significance of the blood of Jesus in salvation. I strongly encourage you to click HERE to read… Read More
The Blood of Jesus: Its Power and Significance in Salvation
The Blood of Jesus In recent months, God has been teaching me about the importance and power of the blood of Jesus. A topic like this deserves a series of posts or a book to exhaust entirely, but I will be addressing it in two blog posts. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to do a personal study on… Read More
We Do See Jesus: Our Source of Victory
We Do See Jesus In studying the book of Hebrews the last couple of months, I have been captivated by four words in chapter 2 verse 9, “…We do see Jesus…” To enable us to grasp the immense power behind these words, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we study from Hebrews chapter 2 verses… Read More
Jesus is Coming Back….Are you Ready?
A year or two ago, my daughter went to school with her laptop for a class project. She forgot to charge the computer and did not take her charger with her. I likened her level of preparedness to the parable of the ten virgins in the Bible.