Renewing Your Mind
After completing a program on a specific mast cell receptor, my thoughts were consummated by “mast cells.” On awakening, while driving, before bed, I spent so much time studying mast cells that all I did all day long was think of mast cells.
My experience reminded me of the process of renewing our minds with the Word of God.
What Does it Mean to Renew Your Mind?
Renewing the mind is the process of putting on the mind of Christ and unlearning the ways of this world in which we were previously conditioned (Ephesians 4:22-24). It involves studying and meditating on God’s Word consistently and filling our minds with Scripture instead of random, toxic, selfish thoughts. It’s a process, not a magic pill, so be patient with yourself while remaining committed to the process.
When we fill our minds with God’s Word, we become more focused on the truth of Scriptures so that we subconsciously default to obeying the Word instead of our natural selfish tendencies.
The Word of God is Spirit and life (John 6:63). We are instructed to obey the Word and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit so that we do not indulge our selfish natural tendencies (Galatians 5:16). The more time we spend in the Word, the more it will fill our minds, leaving no room for the flesh.
Therefore, it is critical to develop an insatiable craving for the Word, because that’s the only way to spiritual growth and maturity (1 Peter 2:2, Proverbs 4:20-22).
Other practical steps to renewing your mind
In addition to spending time in the Word, other practical steps to renewing your mind include:
Guard your mind
What you spend time thinking about is usually the product of the things you feed your mind. Be wary of technology!! Be mindful of what you watch and what you listen to because your thoughts will eventually lead to words and actions (Luke 6:45, Proverbs 4:23).
Take random thoughts captive
The moment a random dark thought comes into your mind, flush it out (2 Corinthians 10:5). While you may not be able to totally eradicate all dark thoughts from entering your mind, it’s your responsibility to kick the thoughts out and replace them with the Word of God.
Practice Philippians 4:8
Put your thoughts to the test. Keep your thoughts true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. If you find yourself focusing on a thought that does not fulfill all the 8 criteria above, kick it out!!
Focus on the living word
JESUS is the Word (John 1:1). Keep your eyes steadfastly fixed on Him for He is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Resolve to renew your mind by letting the Word of God dominate your life!
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Except where indicated, Scriptures are taken from the NIV.
Beautiful and well said. When our minds is set on Him, the direction of our lives stays in His will.
Thanks for the beautiful thoughts
Beautiful Chizobam… so refreshing.. God’s word is powerful… I can’t function without these .. strength
You hit the nail on the head on every point. In my daily study of the Word, I have developed a hunger of it even in those busy days I feel a gentle tug of the Holy Spirit calling me to come sup at the Word. As you rightly pointed out the Holy Spirit will bring to our minds the word we need to deal with any situation we are facing. It’s up us to obey. Thank for James 1:22..Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves!
Another beautiful rendition. Love reading this posts. It’s great assurance that God cares about everything even what we consider simple and/or irrelevant. He knows how to truly meet our needs
Thank you
Chizobam this is very inspiring I tell you……. some guilty moments! But we are reassured in His grace. More importantly, to renew the right spirit within.
Agreed! This is exactly what I counsel myself to do.
Hello Kelly,
Thanks for visiting. Yep, we have to continuously counsel ourselves to yield ourselves to the way of the Lord.