This is the fourth devotional in a series on renewing the mind. To read the first three devotionals, click the links below.
Practical Ways to Renew Your Mind
In my last three devotionals, we have been reviewing the subject of renewing our minds with the Word. Today, I am sharing practical ways to renew your mind and how I work this out in my personal life.
On a practical level, I make time to read the Word every day. I am not great at memorizing, but as I re-read the Scriptures, I remember them more and more. I also listen to the Word on the Dwell Bible audio App or the YouVersion Bible App.
I meditate on the Scriptures. Think about what I read, ask questions about the Scriptures, use my imagination, and consider how it connects with other verses. I pay attention to what the Scriptures say about God and how the verses apply to my life. For example, is God calling me to repent and turn in a different direction? Is He directing me to take steps of faith?
I pray through the Scriptures, personalize them, and ask God to give me the desire and power to do what pleases Him (Philippians 2:13). Sometimes, I make declarations and statements of faith from the Scriptures.
I pay attention to identifying negative thought patterns that bombard my mind. Then, I search the Scriptures to find the truth that counteracts the toxic thought pattern simmering in my mind (2 Corinthians 10:5).
After I locate the Scriptures, I typically save them on the Apple Notes App on my phone or a prayer App I use where I can easily find them. Sometimes, I write them out on index cards and carry them around. At other times, I use sticky notes and stick them in accessible locations, such as my bathroom mirror. Then, I commit to meditating on the Scriptures until I receive a breakthrough in that area of my life.
Personal Experience
I was teaching a class one day when someone made a disparaging comment about my ability to communicate. This minor incident sent my mind into a negative spiral until public speaking became a huge mountain. I basically lost my desire to speak in front of an audience. To counteract my negative mindset, I found Scriptures that specifically mentioned speaking. Then, I committed to meditating on them consistently. I’m grateful that the Word works, and the experience is now fully in my past.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
I encourage you to ask God to expose any lies you have been believing. Find Scriptures that counteract the lies. Then, commit to consistently renewing your mind with the truth of God’s Word.
God is the one who transforms us; our part is to draw near to Him and abide in His Word.
What specific actions will you take to transform and become more like Christ?
Lord, I pray that I may know your thoughts, which are higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8). Help me to actively replace my negative thoughts with Your Word. To practice a daily upgrade of my thinking with Your Word so that I may be transformed into who You created me to be and do the things that You created me to do. In Jesus, name, Amen!
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.
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