I had plans for a totally different post but I was compelled to write on peace.
I’ve had a rough month. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing major. Just the compounded stress of daily life. So this is my reminder that the God of peace is with me and that I have His peace resident in my spirit.
What is peace?
The Dictionary of Bible Themes defines peace as “The state of harmony that is available to believers through having a right relationship with God and others and is especially associated with the presence of the Holy Spirit.”
Peace is freedom from disturbance and disquieting thoughts. According to Dictionary.com it is “freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety and obsession etc.; tranquillity; serenity.”
Peace implies much more than the absence of conflict. The Hebrew word ‘shalom’ means wholeness, completeness, well-being and soundness.
God is our peace
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
God is peace and the source of our peace. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
He has reconciled us to a peaceful relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1)
In His kingdom is peace and rest. As children of God, the Holy Spirit within us infuses us with peace and tranquility irrespective of our circumstances as we keep our eyes on Him. The moment we take our eyes away from who God is to us and who we are in Him, and fix them on our circumstances, we will surely lose our peace. Basically, we cannot walk in the fruit of peace unless we know who God is to us, and who we are to Him.
We will not walk in peace until we know and are convinced that God loves us, cares deeply for us, delights in us, is happy with us, provides for us, strengthens us, etc.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Living in peace
Living in peaceful relationships with others can be challenging (to say the very least). However, as Christians, we are to be known and recognized by our fruit of peace. The Bible teaches us to live in harmony with one another and to love others as ourselves (1 Peter 3:8-9.) We are to seek peace and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14, 1 Peter 3:11.)
We also have to be at peace within ourselves. We cannot live in peace with others if we are at war with ourselves. God created us as His masterpieces. (Ephesians 2:10.) We are of great worth and value and we should see ourselves as such.
Practical tips for maintaining peace
Here are some practical tips that have been extremely helpful to me in the last month.
- Depend exclusively on God for your peace. Know who you are in Christ. Let your identity be fully based on your relationship with Christ. Do not let your peace hang on how someone else perceives you or treats you. Again, do not allow how people treat you determine your peace.
- Plug into God, the source of your peace and purposefully fix your gaze on Him. Spend time worshiping, praying, and fellowshipping with God.
- Renew your mind with the Word. Study and meditate on Scriptures regarding peace.
- Cast your cares on God and trust Him. Learn to turn your worries over to Him. Yes, it’s not easy but it’s possible. God would not require you to do something He has not empowered you to do. Casting your cares is an instruction from Him, therefore, you can do it through His strength in you.
- Obey God in all areas of your life and avoid sin. If you sin, repent and ask for forgiveness immediately. Do not wait, do not postpone. The longer you wait, the more restless and agitated your spirit will become.
- Honestly seek peaceful relationships with people. Desire it, make a deliberate effort to pursue it and ask God for help.
- Walk in love. Give love freely, expecting nothing back. Repay evil with good. Show mercy.
- Forgive! Forgive!! Forgive!!! Unforgiveness will poison your soul and rob you of peace.
- Watch your words. Be slow to speak and give a gentle answer. Stop murmuring, grumbling and complaining.
- Be thankful.
- Be wise. Do not overload your schedule. Learn to say “no” when appropriate.
- Smile.
- Give hugs.
- Do something fun and enjoyable etc, etc, etc.
I thank God personally for His peace and I thank Him that it transcends every single circumstance that I will ever face in life.
My prayer for you is that you will surrender every aspect of your life totally and completely to God and walk in the light of His peace that already belongs to you through Christ Jesus. Amen!!
Please share your own practical tips on the comments section below. Thank you!
Except where indicated, Scriptures are taken from the NIV.
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Beautiful and important post. Thank you so much for sharing and for reminding us to point it all back to him. I love this: “We cannot live in peace with others if we are at war with ourselves.” Such a fact of the heart. I’m hanging that statement in my writing journal. I need to remember more often than not. Have a blessed weekend, friend. xoxo
Hello Carolina,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, peace flows from God to us, then from us to others.
If we are not at peace with ourselves, it will not flow to others through us.
I thank God for His loving kindness. Have a blessed weekend also.
Pretty much covered in your post… But like the beatitudes have it, “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God”, Matt 5: 9. A desire to display His Sonship always should keep us in good stead to live peaceably with all men, regardless… Displaying His Sonship is living in conformity to what He has called us to be – the image of His dear Son – revealing His Glory (Romans 8: 29-30). Surrendering that troubled heart to Jesus is the gateway… Peace is guaranteed amongst other goodies :). Many thanks!
Hi Osayande,29
Amen and Amen!
We are called by God to be conformed to the image of his Son in all aspects of our lives including walking in peace.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a blessed week.
Practical indeed. Thanks for reminding me that I don’t have to complicate my life in order to enjoy the peace of God.
Hello Michele,
I need reminders too!
I thank God that His promises are freely available to all who believe. No complications attached.
Have a blessed week.
Thank you so much Chizoba. I always enjoy reading your blog. Who I am in Christ Jesus gives me peace and not what people think about me. Holy spirit, teach us to be calm in all circumstances.
Our peace comes from Christ and no other.
Thank you Chinelo.
My sister God bless you for your dedication to the study of God’s Word and your passion to help others grow in Christ through your writing. I am encouraged and inspired by the Anointing God has given you. To God forever be the glory!