Article written by my sister-in-Christ, Michele Featherson
Missed opportunity?
Lord, will You Redeem my Lost Time?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
We are in the second quarter of 2023, and many people have already abandoned their New Year resolutions or declarations. Whether it is weight loss, a financial goal, or a better you goal, all is not lost. Missed opportunities can lead to the Lord redeeming your lost time. He’ll be the One to get you through your earthly journey to your eternal reward when you keep a forward focus on Him.
“…keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” Hebrews 12:2a NLT
How many of us have wasted time or missed opportunities because we didn’t listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit when He said, “Now go, or stop now.” Instead, we decided to do what we thought was best, thinking we knew better. “…Leaning on our own understanding,” (Proverbs 3:5b).
God wants His children to walk in wisdom, and we can do so by letting Him guide our path. When we do, we won’t miss opportunities because we aren’t making the same wrong choices.
Disobedience doesn’t have to result in a permanent loss if we have a repentant heart. When we ask for forgiveness, we can ask God if He will redeem our lost time.
God’s Favor in Redeeming Lost Time:
Jonah’s Story
The story of Jonah is a perfect example of missed opportunity, repentance, and God redeeming Jonah’s time. God told Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against their evil deeds. God didn’t tell Jonah His plan; He simply told him to go.
For several reasons, Jonah decided he would not obey God. The Ninevites were vicious, wicked, violent people who were merciless toward their enemies. Furthermore, Jonah knew that if he preached against them, they might actually repent and serve God. Jonah wanted them to suffer God’s wrath.
Doing things his way, Jonah disobeyed the assignment, no longer forward focusing on God. However, God would get his attention in the belly of a big fish. There, Jonah repents, and God allows the fish to release him, but he’s still not in Nineveh yet.
Once free, Jonah still had to choose to obey God, and he did. He proclaimed the Lord’s message; the people had a right response, and the Lord relented from the disaster that He said He would bring upon them.
So, have you missed opportunities because of leaning on your own understanding? Are you in need of God redeeming your time? Why not write a prayer and ask the Lord for forgiveness? Confess your sin, receive freedom, ask God to redeem your time, and step out in obedience to Him.
Be Blessed,
M. Featherson.
About Michele
Michele Featherson is a lover of Jesus Christ, wife to her best friend of 29 years, and mother to two amazing, God-fearing sons. One of her greatest desires is to change the lives of people, both young and old, through sharing God’s Word. She enjoys breaking Biblical principles down so others can understand and apply them to their lives. Michele is the creator of Michminutes, an Instagram page that offers a daily word of inspiration. She believes that although our lives may be busy, we are never too busy to talk with the Triune God.
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© God’s Favor in Redeeming Lost Time: Jonah’s Story. @Beautiful in Jesus. All Rights Reserved.
Charles Oblie l have had an experience from what I have read about Jonah. Thanks
What experience did you have?