Forgiven and accepted saints
This is the fourth post in a mini-series I have been writing on discovering our identity in Christ and living our lives to reflect who we are in him.
For my discussion on the meaning of the phrase ‘in Christ’ click here.
In my last post, we discussed the reality of our redemption in Christ Jesus and we ended on the confession that we are blessed, chosen, loved, adopted and redeemed saints in Christ Jesus.
Today’s study will pick up in Ephesians 1:7. Grab your bibles and study with me.
You are forgiven
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. Ephesians 1:7-8a
As a result of our redemption in Christ Jesus, we are forgiven saints.
Irrespective of the height, breadth and depth of your sins before coming to Christ; once in Christ, you are forgiven. Though your sins were red like scarlet, by his blood they are washed away and you become white as snow (Isaiah 1:18).
The bible states that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) and “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus paid the price so that you no longer owe God a debt. God forgives you completely on the basis of Christ’s death on the cross setting you free from eternal death.
God’s forgiveness towards us is totally unmerited. An extreme and extravagant act of favor, which He freely lavishes on us out of His super-abundant love. Therefore, as long as you are in Christ, there is no reason to hold onto your past sins. God loves you and will not hold them against you any longer.
Stop tormenting yourself with your past sins and do not allow anyone to define you by them. Like Apostle Paul, forget what is behind and strain forward to what lies ahead (Philippians 3:13).
Forgiveness after salvation
His love and forgiveness towards us extends way beyond the point of salvation and is available to us daily as believers. It is comforting to know that at any time I sin, He is faithful and just and will forgive my sin and purify me from all unrighteousness as long as I acknowledge my transgression and confess it to Him (1 John 1:9).
Therefore, it extremely important for us to renew our minds and change our thinking from seeing ourselves as down-trodden sinners to seeing ourselves as forgiven saints in Christ Jesus.
Say out loud: I am a blessed, chosen, loved, adopted, redeemed and forgiven saint in Christ Jesus.
You are accepted
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:6 KJV
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Ephesians 1:13
There is no accolade, position or social status in this world that trumps being included in Christ.
Inclusion in Christ means that you are TOTALLY accepted by God. He accepts you on the basis of His unconditional love and not on the basis of your conduct or merit. (For “it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:8)
His acceptance of you is not a yo-yo acceptance!!! He doesn’t accept you today, then hold off His love and acceptance if you make a mistake tomorrow.
His total acceptance of you, (if you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior) means there is NO exclusion criteria. (Except Jesus is not your Lord.)
Therefore, He will not exclude you on the basis of your:
- race/ tribe/culture/ color of skin
- looks
- education
- accent
- zip code
- dress code or whatever else people go by when they pick and chose who they will accept into their manmade cliques.
You do not need anyone but Christ to determine your worth. Stop giving people permission to determine how you see yourself. Let your self-esteem be based fully on the truth of God’s word that you are loved and totally accepted in Christ.
Say out loud: I am a blessed, chosen, loved, adopted, redeemed, forgiven and accepted saint in Christ Jesus.
See yourself as such!
I strongly encourage you to confess these truths over yourself until they become deeply and firmly rooted in your heart.
You are blessed!
Except indicated, all Scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV).
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God bless you for this message. Knowing that Christ has forgiven, and accepted me gives me more grace to live for Him daily and look forward for his coming.
Amen Rachel,
Me too!!!
Were it not for God’s grace and Christ’s sacrifice, I will still be guilty today with no hope in the world. But I thank Jesus for paying the ransom for me and making me a forgiven and accepted saint.
Lovely Chizobam!
I hope you find more time to write?
Thank you for blessing more and more women
Blessings to you friend
Due to this article, I have actually believed of who I am in Christ Jesus.
What a blessing to me!
And from today on ward’s I know my identity.
Thank you so much the Almighty Lord bless you more and more.Amen
I praise God with you, Daisy!!
And it’s an honor to know that God used something I wrote to bless you.
God’s grace abounds to you.