In my last post, I started a discussion on “7 Biblical Principles for Choosing Peace in Troubled Times,” based on Jesus’ discussion with His disciples the night before He was crucified, documented in John chapters 14-16.
We examined four principles for choosing peace:
- Trust Jesus, and do not focus on your circumstances.
- Keep a Heavenly focus.
- Accept Jesus as the only way to the Father.
- Pray in Jesus’ name.
Today’s post is simply a continuation. I strongly recommend that you click HERE to read the last post before moving on to the fifth point below. And, remember that this is not an exhaustive study of John 14-16. I will not include everything Jesus said, so I encourage you to pick your Bible and study the text yourself.
7 Biblical Principles for Choosing Peace in Troubled Times: Contd
5. Depend on the Holy Spirit for Peace
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” John 14:16
In His last conversation with His disciples before His crucifixion, Jesus emphatically promised to send the Holy Spirit to them. (See John 14:16;26-27;15:26;16:7.)
The Greek word for Holy Spirit is Paraklétos, defined as One who is called to one’s aid. It also means an advocate, intercessor, consoler, comforter, and helper. [SOURCE]
The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, brings out the full meaning of Paraklétos more clearly.
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever.” John 14:6 AMPC
The Holy Spirit is our:
- Comforter – when we are grieving, and our hearts feel torn.
- Counselor – when we feel confused and need the truth to guide us.
- Helper – every single day, in every single task, both the mundane and the complex
- Intercessor – helping us pray when we have no idea what to even pray about.
- Advocate – like a defense attorney, He speaks for us and defends us when the devil throws lies and condemnation our way.
- Strengthener – empowering us to run our Christian race and win the prize.
- Standby – always with us, never leaving us, and always ready to be our Helper.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:26-27
The Holy Spirit reminds us of the Scriptures and everything Christ has spoken to us. He gives us understanding and teaches us scriptural truth, putting us in a position where we can apply truth to the circumstances in our lives.
The peace that Jesus gives us is not like the peace the world offers. The world offers a transient, external, superficial attempt at peace, while Jesus’ peace comes from the Holy Spirit.
The world’s peace depends on circumstances and people, while Jesus’ peace is an outflow of His divine nature which we receive when we are born again. It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, manifested in the lives of those who believe in Jesus Christ and are led by His Spirit.
Personal Testimony
I went to sleep last night feeling like an underachiever based on the many opportunities I have had. The devil sold me a lie laced with condemnation, and I swallowed it. On awakening this morning, 1 Peter 2:9 immediately came to mind. I spent many minutes in bed meditating on the Scripture as the Holy Spirit comforted me. He reminded me that God is pleased with me, and my heart overflowed with peace.
6. Remain Permanently Connected to Jesus Christ
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
Some versions of the Bible use the word ‘abide’ instead of ‘remain.’ Abiding in Christ means that we are consistently connected to Him and never lose our awareness of His presence.
Practically, abiding would look like praying, worshipping, studying, and meditating on Scripture. Abiding would also involve obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit and consciously inviting God into everything we do.
I do not do this perfectly, but my intention through each day is to maintain a continuous dialogue with God. I ask Him questions, seek His help, and thank Him for various things.
Peace is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). If we are going to enjoy the peace of Christ, we must stay completely integrated into a relationship with Him. If we attempt to do life our way, we cut off His power and presence, resulting in spiritual, mental, and physical burnout.
In my first article on peace, I listed some potential peace stealers. Two peace stealers that I have to guard against consistently are busyness and too much information. These two peace stealers tend to join forces attempting to clog my mind and disconnect me from Jesus Christ. I value my relationship with Jesus, and I already know what it feels like to experience burnout, so I have learned and continue to learn to make room in my life so that I can remain in Christ. If I edge Christ out with activities and information, I lose my peace and start bearing thorns and thistles – anxiety and fear.
Remember Jesus’ friends, Mary and Martha? (See Luke 10:38-42.) Martha was upset and busy with many activities, while Mary chose to make room for Jesus. She sat at His feet and listened to Him.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, promises that the Holy Spirit will produce His fruit through us if we abide in Him. So, what changes do you need to make to consistently enjoy Christ’s peace and allow it to overflow to others?
7. Accept Jesus’ Offer of Peace
Jesus’ final words of instruction to His disciples before He prayed over them and was arrested were:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
God does not torment His children with evil (James 1:17). However, we live in a fallen world and will all experience adversity. Jesus guaranteed His disciples that they would have trouble. But He also offered them peace. He told them many things so they would know that He alone is the source and originator of true peace.
Let’s review the sections of His discussion on choosing peace in troubled times that I highlighted in this article:
- Trust Jesus, and do not focus on your circumstances. John 14:1
- Keep a Heavenly focus. John 14:2-3
- Accept Jesus as the only way to the Father. John 14:6
- Pray in Jesus’ name. John 14:12-14; 16:23-26
- Depend on the Holy Spirit. John 14:16;26-27;15:26;16:7
- Remain permanently connected to Jesus Christ. John 15:5
- Accept Jesus’ offer of peace. John 16:33
In Christ, we can have peace. But we can also choose not to accept His offer of peace. If we ignore His words, we reject His offer.
We must remember that we cannot have peace without Him. His peace is ours because we are His, and we abide in Him, not because we really try hard.
Jesus overcame the world through His death, burial, and resurrection. As believers, we share in His authority. Because we are in Him, His victory also belongs to us (1 Cor. 15:57).
My husband is a passionate soccer fan. He gets tremendously nervous when his team, Arsenal, is playing. However, he can relax and enjoy the game when he already knows the final score. Knowing that Jesus has overcome the world should bring us peace. We can enjoy the peace of Christ in a troubled world because we have read the end of the Book, and the Prince of Peace wins!
So, will we accept and enjoy His peace or keep striving?
Father, I am grateful that through Jesus, we, Your children, can have peace in the midst of great adversity. Thank You for speaking Your peace-giving words through Christ. As we deal with difficult circumstances, give us the grace to humble ourselves and allow these words to comfort and strengthen us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Empower us to keep our focus on Jesus, abiding and hoping in Him. So that Your peace will continue to fill and encompass us as we journey through life – eagerly awaiting our reunion with Christ. I humbly ask this of You, in Jesus’ name, Amen!!
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.
© 7 Biblical Principles for Choosing Peace in Troubled Times: Part 2. Chizobam Idahosa @Beautiful in Jesus. All Rights Reserved.
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