This is the third post in a mini-series on knowing and walking in the reality of who we are in Christ based on the first chapter of the book of Ephesians.
Identity In Christ
Ephesians 1: Your Identity in Christ-Part 2
In my last post titled Ephesians 1: Your Identity in Christ-Part 1, I started a mini-series on knowing and walking in the reality of who we are in Christ and I stated that it is extremely vital for Christians to understand the phrase ‘in Christ.’
Ephesians 1: Your Identity in Christ-Part 1
As followers of Christ, it is extremely vital that we know and understand our identity in Christ. We may know all about God and be keenly aware of how we are expected to walk by faith and live holy lives as Christians. But if we are shaky and tossed by the waves with regards to our identity, it will… Read More
Included ‘In Christ’
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Ephesians 1:13a Being included feels good. It boosts our fragile self ego. We can clamor for inclusion into a club, honor society, a particular circle of friends, or even a ministry in church. Striving for inclusion can wear you out… Read More